A smooth cloth transparent by a light feel.
There are seams in the front part center by a rather deep fullback little, and it's bulging a little.
It's strong in the surrounding rubber, but it seems to have felt easy around the penis.
The body is thin, is soft and is the SP 2WAY cloth which extend quite much.
Because string is the rather strong swimsuit material, it's tight.
It's small, but it extend quite much, so a penis enters perfectly.
It's small, but it extend much. It's transparent little rather thin.
It has a very small shape, but a cloth extend much, so without sticking out, it's possible to put it on.
When a penis erectioned, a cloth extend quite much.
It's Mira Cosmo cloth of smooth texture by thinness which is to the extent it's transparent, little.
3 circles pierce in the front lengthwise belt. There is
a plastic ring in the bottom.A penis and a ball are put in a plastic ring. And a penis is
put in 3 circles.It's
thick and tight by solid rubber. Very shallow.. It tightens tight.
Even 7 centimeters of belt (is
elastic) from ring upper end. It's 10 centimeters (It's elastic.) around the
The shape suitable to put a penis to look up
It has trouble putting it on very small.
It's the beans type (the sheath type of the beans) and is very small.
Almost no cloth extend, so when a penis becomes big at the inside, it'll be tight.
It's small, so a penis can be put on only at small time.
In Front part and the length is about 13 centimeters.